Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I have found it...

So guess what?! I have found it... the dog of my dreams. They are the smallest most adorable dogs in all the world. They are called a Scotti-poo or a scoodle. It's a mix between a Scotti dog and a Toy Poodle. They are flippin fantastic. The only problem... I'm allergic to dogs. But i am going to find a way around that if i have to take a whole box of drugs. I want this dog so bad. And i think it's time.

See what you think...
Look at that little dress!
How flippin cute!
I can't even stand it! :] i love them.


  1. I like the one in the middle picture. He's so cute. Do you think it costs more or less for a veterinary emergnecy if you have a small dog? Cuz that's my luck. I need to prepare for the worst if I ever get a dog again. I would have to save up my entire paycheck every week to make sure I have the money for the vet.

  2. the one in the middle is my fav too! and it would be nice if it were the smaller the dog the smaller the bill but i don't think it works that way. lol
